Psalms 138:2
Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word
that proceedeth out of the mouth of God
Matthew 4:4
as a little child, he shall not enter therein
Mark 10:15
Web Pages
Lord Jesus: The blindness of Israel removed
when the fullness of the Gentiles have entered.
The Day and The Hour: The Lord’s misunderstood
teaching that the Christians will know both the day and the hour.
The Hour of Temptation: The temptation,
which befalls the old man in all of us.
The First Horseman: The other lion’s whelp who makes
the Lord’s enemies His footstool before He returns.
This Generation: Refers to the generator of the peoples.
generation, to identify the generator of the three peoples.
Hebrews: the Authors: Paul wrote the letter of few words and the benediction
at the end of the epistle but most of the epistle is the teaching of a perfect stranger
which the brethren met on the road. Luke gathered the teaching from the
brethren and Paul forwarded the teaching to the churches.
The 144,000: The first fruits of the resurrection of the judgment.
The Scriptural Rapture: The pre-millennial rapture taught by the early
Christians who learned their doctrines from Jesus and His disciples.
The Day of the Lord: The seventh millennial day which
begins with the Lord’s coming and ends with the judgment.
The Great Tribulation: What is it?
abomination of the temple is yet to come.
The Dispensations: Salvation before the law was
given, under the law, and free from condemnation.
The Name not Written: Whose name
was not written in the book of life.
The First Thanksgiving:
George Washington’s declaration.
Powder & Friends: A few photos